Entertainment integration.

Reading before going to bed never has been one of the things I wanted to do. But a bit of gaming and watching a movie in bed surely relaxes me quite well. For this reason I was searching for a way to get more multimedia support into the sleeping room for quite a time. What I didn’t want, was a huge screen or something like this, but now I found a small TFT with integrated speakers that perfectly fits onto the bedside table. I already ordered it and I also began checking my modded Xbox (Classic) with XBMC on it yesterday evening. I haven’t used it for some time, so I had to get into it again and find out how to set ip up correctly. It will be connected to the TFT using the good old Neoya X2VGA+ adapter which works quite well on other monitors with output support for 480p, 720p and 1080i. I’ll possibly disassemble the monitor and give it a white piano lacquer to make it fit to the rest of the sleeping room environment, but we’ll see. I replaced the system fan of my Xbox some time ago with a larger one, but it’s still too noisy, so I’ll replace it again and also change the GPU fan.

Ha. Great. DIY is quite fun and I knew some day my modded Xbox will be useful again.