Next one…

New day. New movie. Today I went to see …

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (IMDB)

… together with some friends. As usual Tom Cruise played Ethan Hunt, but this time he teamed up with funny Simon Pegg (already loved his performance in the comedy-horror-movie Shaun of the Dead), Jeremy Renner (who looked a bit like a Daniel-Craig-Wanna-Be) and a quite nice Paula Patton. The villain itself was not the best one I’ve seen and also he was rather unimportant. The plot of the movie can be described as “the way is the target”. Nevertheless this movie entertained me very well. The special effects and ideas (Oh my. I want that automatic 3D beamer wall for my home) were stunning and the actors did a good job!

Popcorn cinema as is should be and the feeling that the money was well spent!

Conclusion: 8.5 out of 10