Mountain Hiking Tour

Yesterday I took a day off and went for some mountain hiking with good friends. We were taking the quite popular tour from the upper terminus “Grueneck” of the Golmerbahn to the “Lindauer Huette” and then back through the “Gauertal” to the catchment lake at Latschau. I had my Hollux with me and recorded the tour with it. The short statistics are:

Distance: 15,8km

Moving time: 2hr 55min

Total Ascent: 612m

Total Descent: 1498m

The weather was perfectly sunny and the trail was very good (as ever). This is one of my favourite tracks in Austria, because it’s a tour that’s perfect when you go by car from Ulm to the Montafon fuer just one day. Overall it was a wonderful day, with good friends, a lot of laughter, in a beautiful scenery with very good food inbetween! Very relaxed! o/

Some photos will follow in several days! 😉