Nintendo Wii website:

I’m slowly closing down one of my projects. It’s the channel oriented website called “Directorii” that presents Wii optimized websites in a layout optimized (4:3 ratio, but 16:9 also works quie good) for the Opera on Nintendo Wii (also known as Internet Channel). The design of the website and the channels was created to bring the same visual experience the channel overview of the Wii offers. If you’re interested you can take over the domain and all the data (sources, graphics, sounds, etc.). The site has currently still 15 – 50 unique visitors a day. I also started doing a user login that can be extended to whatever you want. When visiting the site with something other than the “Internet Channel” you’re redirected to a small presentation site with the possibility to add a Wii optimized website by mail. I did the browser switch to only have Wii consoles on the actual site. Interested in taking it over including the domain? Contact me!