Some rather short notes this time.

Xbox360 rocks. At the moment I’m playing Gears of War and the rather old Project Gotham Racing 3. But hey. That’s fun! Finally I’ll switch to Windows Vista soon, as the connection between Xbox 360 and Windows Vista is a lot better than just using the media library shares of the Windows Media Player 11. I’m looking for a good and small Athlon64-X2-System, preferably a barebone. I’m thinking of the ASUS Terminator T3-M2NC51PV with a decent Athon64-X2-CPU, 4GB RAM and a ATI-RadeOn-H4870 graphicscard in reference design, alltogether with Windows Vista Ultimate. But this is not a final decision up to now. Not to forget the Buenzli 17 is on it’s way and will take place at the 15th to 17th of august 2008 in Winterthur/Switzerland. And I’m really looking forward going there with some friends and NUANCE fellows. More news up soon. ;-)