The eyes are the most erotic part of a woman.

A really true sentence. This quotation comes from Brigham Field, a well known beauty and fashion photographer. I’ve read about him in the German photography magazine PHOTOGRAPHIE and his photos are really aesthetical and beautiful. He has a stunning sense for scenes and lightning and his photos are sold to various clients and also top fashion magazines. He is one of the new generation of photographers that sees the RAW data of his cameras as starting point for a piece of art and uses image manipulation technology to add this extra piece of perfection. His websites and show off his works and also offers photo workshops with him in Prague (june 30-july 2, 2006) and Croatia (september 9-16, 2006), which include models from top agencies, partly equipment, makeup artists and more. Quite a interesting offer for every photographer to see live how Mr.Field is using his equipment and creating his final images. But it’s quite a costly affair. The workshops are prized around 1150