
As you noticed, there aren’t too much new entries in my blog. This is because I’m celebrating the Swabian-Alemannic Fasnet, which is a form of carnival in the south of Germany where I live. I’m once again taking part as a Ulmer Lechthal Hex, the mask group I created in 2006 together with some friends. This year all other witches of our group are scattered all over Germany, so I’m the only one left to uphold our young tradition. I’ve chosen to celebrate this years “Glombiger Donnerstag” in my hometown Ehingen together with my parents and friends. It was so much fun and celebrating the Fasnet is one of the best times of the year. It just … makes me very happy! o/

The Swabian-Alemannic Fasnet is quite different to the carnival celebrated in other areas of Germany like Cologne or Mainz. And I’m very glad it is! If you’ve never seen and felt it … give it a shot! It’s worth it!